A Personal Injury Lawsuit: Understand the Whole Process Step By Step

Personal Injury Lawyers Sacramento

When you’re involved in an accident that wasn’t the fault of yours, but someone else’s , you have the potential to seek compensation for your injuries and harm caused in your professional and personal life. Many people don’t have clarity about what are the stages that a personal injury lawsuit involves. They may even be anxious about facing a trial before a jury. Many times, personal injury cases are settled without the need to go to court. You can consult an experienced and professional injury lawyer Sacramento as he can help make the whole process smooth, stress-free and even less complicated.

In this blog, let us help you give insights into the entire process of personal injury lawsuit

● Seeking medical treatment

Taking medical treatment after the accident should be your first priority. If you avoid going to the doctor because you feel unhurt and don’t see any visible injuries, you are probably making a huge mistake. Oftentimes, people may feel pain or discomfort a few days after the accident. Even if the injuries seem minor to you, don’t shun off going to a doctor. Your lawyer will need the medical bills and your medical records while handling your case.

Consult a personal injury attorney

After the medical treatment, the first step should be to meet a personal injury attorney. During this meeting, you will discuss your case with your lawyer. Personal injury lawyer’s job is to get the injured person a fair amount of compensation. He will also determine whether your claim is valid or not. Don’t forget to ask in which type of case he has the specialization.

Hire a right attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need to have an attorney who has specialization as a car accident lawyer Sacramento. Next, the lawyer should have a proven and successful record of handling your particular type of case. Then comes, how much he charges for the case. Most lawyers don’t take fees until you win your settlement money.

Your Lawyer will investigate your case

Your lawyer will start investing your case on his end. He will ask you about your medical treatment records, how the accident occurs, what injuries you have suffered and more. He will want to know about damages to your vehicle or property.

Your case may settle before filing a lawsuit

If the negotiations for demands have been successful with the insurance company of another party, your case may be able to settle before filing a lawsuit. If you accept the settlement, the case is resolved and can’t be reopened. A skilled and experienced lawyer will always wait till you have reached Maximum Medical Improvement(MMI) to make a demand to another party.

The lawsuit is filed in Court by your lawyer

If the talks with other parties have turned unfruitful for settlement. The case will be filed in court by your Sacramento bicycle accident lawyer. Then, you might need to wait for 6 to 18 months to get your case to go to trial. Once it gets its date for trial in court, your lawyer will represent your case in front of the jury.