Questions to Ask a Lawyer After a Car Accident

Questions to Ask a Lawyer After a Car Accidentdesigned by Freepik

Accidents occur suddenly, leaving victims unprepared and unsure of the next steps. If you were badly hurt in a car accident, you could decide to hire a personal injury lawyer in Sacramento to protect your rights in court against the negligent driver. If you hire a legal professional, you should ask many questions to ensure you have the right expert for the job. A lawyer can help you lay out your legal options, calculate damages, negotiate a settlement figure, and much more.

​Here are some of the questions you should ask your lawyer

1. What area of law do you specialize in?

Although there are lawyers capable of handling your auto accident personal injury case, many lawyers specialize in various legal fields. You should ensure the lawyer you select has the specific knowledge necessary to win your case. Specialized expertise helps you put up a strong case in court.

2. How much is my claim worth?

The compensation amount you receive in your claim will depend on the severity your injuries and how they affected your life. A higher value will be given to severe injuries that left you permanently disabled or drastically changed your life. Ask your lawyer about this to get an idea.

3. What are the deadlines to file a case?

There may be time limits for submitting a claim. Also, some jurisdictions have statutes of limitations that mandate that you file a personal injury case within a specific window of time. You have two years from the accident date to submit your claim. The countdown starts on the day of the accident. You can forfeit your opportunity to file a lawsuit if you miss these deadlines.

4. What information do I need for my case?

An auto accident Attorney in Sacramento demands detailed records of your accident and injuries. Ask your attorney about photos, evidence, witnesses, and documents to ensure you have everything for a claim. Your proactive actions can help you win the compensation you deserve.

​ 5. How long will it take to resolve the case?

Depending on the complexity of your case, it may take some time to settle your injury claim. Some cases can be resolved in a month or two months. Complex cases can take a year or longer. Talking to your attorney and abiding by the terms can help you reach closure sooner.

​ 6. Should I state the insurance company?

In case of a bicycle accident & other types of accident case insurance companies have nothing to support you. It is advisable to refrain from providing a statement to either your insurance or the other driver’s insurance. Insurance adjusters have a bad reputation for using your remarks against you to pay a reduced amount to you. Keep your Sacramento bicycle accident attorney in touch and do as per their instructions.


The best thing you can do if you are in a car accident is to get in touch with an experienced car accident lawyer who will fight for your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve. File your case on time and ensure you have all the evidence to support your claim.